Exhaustive Résumé/Curriculum Vitae

NOTE: This page is intended to be thorough and personal. For a dryly concise, professional teaching CV leaving out short-term EFL positions and much else, see here or as follows for a downloadable and distributable PDF.

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 Visual Evidence of Graduation

Julian Tyler Lee

3151 Social Science Plaza
UC Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-5100


Personal website: www.omnifoo.info
Facebook Profile: www.facebook.com/julian.t.lee
Linkedin Profile available via search.


· 2010-2015: University of California, Irvine. Master of Arts degree in political science (comparative politics and international relations) conferred Sept. 2015.


·2007-2009: Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI. Master’s program in international affairs (comparative politics and international relations). (3.80 GPA, graduated May 2009 with Master of Arts degree)

·1999-2003: Oberlin College, OH. Major in East Asian Studies with concentration in International Studies. (3.29 GPA, graduated June 2003 with Bachelor of Arts degree)

·Summer 2001: Middlebury College Language Schools, VT. Completed intermediate-level intensive Chinese program.

·1995-1999: Cambridge High School, Cambridge, WI. (3.85 GPA, graduated June 1999 with High Honors, Athletic Achievement Award, as a member of NHS, FBLA, Forensics, Soccer, Basketball, Track teams, founded and edited satirical newsmagazine)

Participation in Academic Conferences

·Jan. 2015: University of Southern California, Korean Studies Institute, Graduate Student Conference. Presented research paper entitled "Chinese Innovations in Sovereignty: Neidi, Frontiers, and Borders"

·May 2013: University of California, Irvine, Center for the Study of Democracy, Graduate Student Conference. Presented research paper entitled: "A Different Chinese Democracy: Alternatives to Regime 'Misperception'"

·March 2013: University of California, Los Angeles, COMPASS Graduate Student Conference on Media & Politics. Presented research paper entitled: "Presidential Candidate Viability & Partisan Online Media: Spectacle and Support in the 2012 Primaries' 'Pre-Distant' Phase"



·English: Native.

·Castilian Spanish: Advanced (Was fluent but out of use after two+ years in China.)

·Mandarin Chinese: Advanced (Listening and speaking better than reading and writing.)

·Modern Standard Arabic: Floundering (Used to know the alphabet & other beginners' basics, but it's fading.)

·Embellished Resumese: Fluent

Study and Travel Abroad:

·Fall 2001: Semester in China at Beijing Institute of Education with CET Chinese language program.

·Spring 2002: Semester in Spain at the Universidad de Córdoba (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras) with PRESHCO Spanish program.

I have traveled extensively throughout the USA, Canada, and China. I have also spent extended periods since 2005 in Malaysia, Cambodia, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Hong Kong, (Outer) Mongolia, Tibet, Nepal, and India.

Work and Volunteer Experience:

·Fall 2015-Present: Lecturer at Northeast Normal University 东北师范大学 (NENU), Changchun, Jilin, PRC. Facilitator for the following courses for public administration majors in the RUNIN joint-university program between NENU and Rutgers University-Newark, NJ: Public Service Organizations; Government Budgeting & Financial Management; Democratic Foundations of Public Service & Public Administration; Leadership for the Service Professions. Designed and taught classes in international politics under contract with NENU's Dept. of Law & Politics Sept. 2015-Jan. 2017. Also facilitated academic writing classes for business majors in the inaugural semester of RUNIN, Fall 2015. Position as "course facilitator" entails coordination with Rutgers professors in NJ to plan lessons, present course materials, assign & grade exams and other coursework until professors arrive in China for the 10-day "Intensive Teaching Period" at the end of the semester. Supervisors (NENU): Prof. Yuan Wang (Dept. Chair), wangy320@nenu.edu.cn & Mr. Douglas Zhang (FAO), 402115@163.com. Supervisor (Rutgers-Newark/RUNIN): Prof. Yongwei Zhang (Executive Vice Dean), yongweiz@business.rutgers.edu Contact information for Rutgers-Newark professors whose courses I facilitated are available on request.

·Winter 2011-Spring 2015 : Teaching Assistant at Univ. of CA, Irvine. Entailed leading weekly discussion sections, grading essays and tests, substitute lecturing for professor. I have been a TA for the following classes: Middle East Politics, East Asian Politics, International Relations of East Asia, Media Writing, Minorities and the 2012 Elections, International Studies Public Forum, Intelligence and International Politics, Introduction to International Relations (IR).

·Summer 2014: EFL instructor at Korean summer camp in Desaru, Malaysia (near Singapore) for GRA. Supervisor: Mr. Jisun Kim, kjisun79@hotmail.com

·Spring 2014: EFL instructor at Changzhi University, Shanxi, PRC. Taught oral English classes to English majors. Foreign Affairs Office representative: Nancy Guang, Phone: 15234281286, 958107051@qq.com

·Summer 2011: EFL instructor at three separate summer camps run by the following companies: New Oriental (新东方 referred via Foreign HR , Beijing and Fangshan), Peak Education (巅峰教育, Beijing), and Yilin Peison (译林培森国际教育, Datong, Shanxi, camp held in Dalian, Liaoning). Supervisors’ contact information available on request.

·Summer 2009-Summer 2010: Member of NYC Civic Corps/Americorps VISTA inaugural program under NYC Mayor's Office. Placed with VNSNY Community Connections TimeBank. Duties included recruitment/training/coordinating volunteers, teaching ESL and computer classes (incl. computer classes in Spanish and Chinese), event staffing, office work. Supervisors: tina.chan@vnsny.org , omayra.torres@vnsny.org , ana.miyares@vnsny.org , mashi.blech@vnsny.org

·Fall 2007-Spring 2009: Research Assistant in the political science department of Marquette University. In 2008-9 assisted Professor H. Richard Friman (H.R.Friman@marquette.edu), director of the Center for Transnational Justice (http://www.marquette.edu/ctj/). In 2007-8 year assisted Professor Barrett McCormick (Barrett.McCormick@marquette.edu), interim director of Marquette’s Human Rights Initiative (http://www.marquette.edu/humanrights/index.shtml), and Assistant Professor Jeffrey Drope (Jeffrey.Drope@marquette.edu). Work has consisted of researching 19th-20th c. Congressional Record immigration testimony; immigrant groups’ responses, such as decreased trust of police and increased crime, to local enforcement of immigration law; media reports on human trafficking in Jamaica, Greece, Turkey, and Japan; monitoring Chinese media for policies in Sudan/Darfur; data entry; other office and administrative tasks.

·Summer 2008: Burma Volunteer Program (http://www.geocities.com/maesotbvp/) EFL instructor for three months. Created curriculum and taught a small group of Burmese minority refugees (from Chin and Arakan States) in Maesot, Thailand. Supervisors: Aryca Myers (myaryca@gmail.com) and Susan Russo (susan.russo.sp@gmail.com).

·Summer 2007: EFL summer camp instructor. Taught groups of middle school Chinese students English for approximately two weeks in Yixing, Jiangsu, PRC. Supervisor: Flora Zhou (flora_huihui@msn.com)

·Summer 2004-Fall 2006: Peace Corps volunteer at Zhangye Medical College in Zhangye, Gansu, PRC. Responsibilities included EFL curriculum development and application. Taught nearly 1,000 students and teachers with mostly original lesson materials, including two self-published EFL textbooks and 90-minute audio dialog tapes for Chinese learners. Selected as a “language and culture facilitator (LCF)” to train 12th group of PCV’s in China for final three months of service in Chengdu, Sichuan. Worked with other LCF’s to coordinate and lead training events, compiled introductory book on China for new volunteers.

Counterpart Teacher: Ms. Lena Li (lena200405@163.com) 02167711982
School Supervisor/Head of English Dept.: Mr. Chen Jianjun (zyyzcjj75@tom.com) 13993673479
Country Director: Jon Darrah (now directing Cambodia program) (jdarrah@kh.peacecorps.gov)

·Spring 2004: Americorps volunteer at Dr. Sun Yat Sen MS 131 in New York City. Responsibilities included tutoring students and generally aiding teachers of all subjects, especially Spanish and ESL for new Chinese immigrants. Supervisor: Karen Aleta (kaleta@pace.edu)

·Summer 2003 (May-Sept.): Station Manager at WOBC FM. Described below. No Supervisor.

·May-Aug. 2002: Conference Assistant at Oberlin College. Consisted of office, customer service, A/V operation, and hotel registration work. Supervisors: Nanci Hardwick (nanci.hardwick@oberlin.edu) and Brian McHugh (brian.mchugh@oberlin.edu).

·May 2000, 2001: Commencement linen crew at Oberlin College. Supervisor: Ehrai Adams (ehrai.adams@oberlin.edu)

·Fall 1999: Dishwasher at Oberlin College Dining Services.

·1998-1999: Dishwasher at Pine Knoll Supper Club, Lake Mills, WI

Skills, Interests, and Other Padding of Dubious Relevance:

·I am of above average computer literacy (Macintosh and Windows), Experienced in MS Office/Works, Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, etc. I am a well-traveled internet surfer. See here for self-made computer & internet teaching materials.

·Maintenance of personal eBay/Half.com buyer and seller account with over 100 transactions and 100% satisfaction rate.

EFL/ESL Student Demographics and Class Sizes:

·Summer 2016: Chinese elementary school students, aged 9-11. Class size: 15 students.

·Summer 2014: Korean elementary and middle school students, aged 10-14. Class size: 5 students.

·Spring 2014: Chinese college freshman English majors. Class sizes: 35-60 students.

·Summer 2011: All Chinese students. Camp 1: Class sizes ranged from 7-50 students, aged 10-18. Camp 2: Class sizes ranged from 7-20, aged 5-10. Camp 3: Class sizes ranged from 20-30, aged 7-18.

·2009-2010: NYC Civic Corps/Americorps VISTA. Taught U.S. immigrants (mostly from Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic-speaking countries) of many English levels, mostly elderly (aged 60+) but all ages, in groups and formal classes of 2-25.

·Summer 2008: Burma Volunteer Program. Taught Burmese minority refugees from Chin and Arakan States in one class whose attendance ranged from 5-15, aged 17-31.

·Summer 2007: EFL summer camp instructor. Taught several classes of 20 Chinese middle school students, aged 9-11.

·Summer 2004-2006: Taught EFL classes of Chinese medical students and teachers ranging in size from 10-125 and in age from 15-40.

·Spring 2004: Tutored large and small groups of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who had recently emigrated from China to NYC. Led field trips to museums and parks, vacation programs, etc.

·2003: Volunteer tutor for Oberlin ESL, mostly one-on-one, adult sessions.


·2010-2013: DJ at 88.9fm KUCI in Irvine, CA (www.kuci.org ). Entails broadcasting a weekly, 2-hr. music program, reviewing new music sent to the station. Thus far have hosted shows in Chinese & Japanese alternative music, experimental music, and popular music (rock & roll).

·Summer 2004-2006 (Peace Corps Service): Recorded and published 10 cassettes and Chinese-English guides in “Western Music Series” for Chinese students. Frequent, impromptu karaoke. Penned and Performed collaborative lounge act as “Julian and the Juliettes” for 100+ in Peace Corps In-Service Training Conference. Song “You’ve Got a Friend (in the U.S.-China Friendship Volunteers)” released as international pop single, goes platinum.

·Spring 2004: Engineered “Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s MS 131 Warm-Up Mix” for physical education classes.

·Summer 2003 (May-Sept.): Station Manager at WOBC FM (www.wobc.org). Sole paid staff member. Entailed station management duties (equipment, website/cast maintenance, recruitment/appointment of volunteers) and the addition of duties normally done by: Music Director (new music database management, phoning label representatives for album tracking), Program Director (personnel/access management, desktop publishing for program guide, FCC policy enforcement), PSA/News Director, and Music Librarian. CONSTANT MULTITASKING AND LITTLE COMPENSATION!

·Spring 2003: DJ at the college disco, specializing in drum & bass.

·2000-2003: DJ for WOBC FM. Entailed a live, weekly two-hour show, ranging from rock, electronica, world (i.e. Chinese rock & hip-hop), polka, etc.

·2002: Appointed WOBC’s music librarian. Entailed leadership of a weekly work group and general station maintenance, organization of the vaults.

I play the accordion…but not well.

Film, Writing, Acting, and Other Media:

·Winter 2007: Extra in the film Madison. (www.imdb.com/title/tt0939634/)

·Fall 1999-2003: Active Member of Oberlin Film Series and Independent Film Series. Entailed hosting screenings and voting for film selections at weekly meetings. Attended 2-3 screenings per week.

·Spring 2003: Coordinating/teaching a weekly, self-designed, and for-credit course in adult animation, claymation, and puppetry as part of Oberlin’s “experimental college” program (EXCO).

·Fall 1999: Speaking role as “Mr. Hasler” in Cambridge High School production of The Pajama Game musical.

·Fall 1998: Speaking role as “Ambrose” in Cambridge High School production of Hello, Dolly! musical.

I am experienced in organizing and leading groups in play acting and general writing. As a high school senior and junior I led a group of mostly freshmen to first and third place in consecutive school talent shows (cash prizes of $150, $50 respectively). I founded and edited a satirical newsmagazine at my high school and have contributed to The Cambridge News, college newspapers, study-abroad and literary journals. I attempted to produce an original, full-length, independent film in my sophomore year of college; this proved to be overly ambitious and did not come to fruition.

I am a nice, upstanding human being.

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